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Event Calendar

Larger Cities Legislative Committee (LCLC)

Thursday, August 17, 2017
9:00 am12:00 pm
League Office Building, Joe Hampton Conference Center, 1335 L Street, Lincoln

League Legislative Committee Members:

At our meeting on Thursday, Aug. 17, we will have an in-depth discussion on TIF, focusing on the three upcoming hearings on LR 60 being held by the Urban Affairs Committee. To review the TIF materials before the meeting, click on the name of each document: the Auditor’s report on TIF, the LR 60 hearing schedule, LR 60, LR 160, a draft resolution by the City of Omaha on TIF, a presentation given by Sen. Groene at a meeting on Aug. 10 in Ashland, and a sample of the letter from the Urban Affairs Committee requesting audited municipalities attend an LR 60 hearing. LB 95, with the League’s proposed changes, also will be reviewed. (LB 95, introduced by Sen. Crawford in 2017, is still in the Urban Affairs Committee.)

We look forward to discussing the following TIF-related issues with you:
1. Purpose of LR 60 hearings
2. Order of Testimony at each hearing
3. League testimony
• model ordinances
• city official checklist
• trainings

Finally, we updated pages iii and iv of the legislative packet that lists the bills the League opposed in the 2017 session.

Thank you!

Lynn Rex, Christy Abraham and Lash Chaffin
League of Nebraska Municipalities
1335 L Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-476-2829
Fax: 402-476-7052