Larger Cities Legislative Committee (LCLC)
League Legislative Committee Members:
Larger Cities Legislative Committees will be Wednesday, September 20, which coincides with the first day of the League Annual Conference to be held at the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel in Lincoln. Scheduling the meeting at this time helps to reduce travel costs and accommodate those members who have to travel long distances to attend League conferences and meetings. On September 20, the League Larger and Smaller Cities Legislative Committee meetings will be held separately but concurrently from 9-11:30 a.m. so that members of both committees will be able to take advantage of the preconference seminar or other activities planned in the afternoon. There will be a luncheon scheduled at the Cornhusker following the Legislative Committee meetings. As with all other meal functions at our Annual Conference, there will be a charge for the luncheon.
Thank you!
Lynn Rex, Christy Abraham and Lash Chaffin
League of Nebraska Municipalities
1335 L Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-476-2829
Fax: 402-476-7052